Monday, July 7, 2008


Yes, that’s us -- we are glasses indeed – of different shapes, sizes, thickness, and colors. Interesting in its diversity but a glass is small and can hold only little water. So are we. We have such very small opinion of ourselves seeing ourselves as insignificant people undeserving and unworthy of good things. We hold so little of life in our hands because we do not give ourselves the chance to hold more of what life can offer us. We buckle down with the slightest problem when we could rise above it and cut its power to defeat us. We hold only a trickle of blessings in our lives when we could have so much more. We cannot give to others much – how can we from such a meager supply? We do not believe in a big God because our small minds cannot. We do not get what we hope and pray for because our small faith cannot handle that either.

Be a glass no more.

Rather be a lake --- A vibrant bubbling lake within which all of life runs through. It never gets ruffled by both the big and minute life forces which heap on it all of its burdens of living and dying. It doesn’t mind the stones and pebbles thrown on it because it simply lets it sink down to the bottom lost and forgotten. It savors the raindrops falling or the sun’s rays beating down on its crystal clear fluid face. It reflects all of beauty around it --- receiving and giving back freely. It gives and gives never running out never tiring of giving because it holds even so much more. It delights in being big – wide – immense – large – open - vast. It is there to give life, to teach life, to share life -- there for all the seasons of life unchanging, happy in receiving blessings God pours upon it, and literally opens its heart to anyone who seeks its genuine treasures.

And so must we be --- a lake. Not a glass. Life has so much in store for us if only we believe. God is simply waiting to bless us if only we let Him.


  1. Thnak you dear, for coming over to my blog and cheering.

    I am a frozen lake, I bet! (Glass has better uses...:D)

  2. Hi Ellen,
    Lakes mean so much to me; I grew up frolicking and fishing in the 3rd largest lake in the country -the Lake Mainit. Memories aside, depth psychology has taught me that lake as the language of the unconscious, is a reservoir of our inner potent forces. So even without your mentioning of depth psyc, you fished it! And so was Carl Jung who built a vacation house in front of a lake in Zurich and there, produced one of his deepest tomes - Memories, Dreams, and Reflections. Sail on, fisher-friend...

  3. Hi Ellen,
    Lakes mean so much to me; I grew up frolicking and fishing in the 3rd largest lake in the country -the Lake Mainit. Memories aside, depth psychology has taught me that lake as the language of the unconscious, is a reservoir of our inner potent forces. So even without your mentioning of depth psyc, you fished it! And so was Carl Jung who built a vacation house in front of a lake in Zurich and there, produced one of his deepest tomes - Memories, Dreams, and Reflections. Sail on, fisher-friend...

  4. Hey Ellen,

    Very nice unusual comparison.......but I like the original message.....

    Got to see that I have missed a lot on your blog while holidaying and then immediately joined work as I returned....will be reading the 'I have learned' series in some time....

    Take care. Keep Smiling

  5. i really wanted to be a lake, still trying but it's very hard to resist being lake placid sometimes..

  6. Hi LP,

    Oh yeah, a glass has better uses, right? Was beer on your mind?? Lols! :-)

    Hi D,

    Depth Psyc -- that's interesting. "...a reservoir of our inner potent forces..." - that's something I believe is in every person. Am learning much from you, dear friend. Thanks for sharing. :-)

    Hi Jigyasa,

    Writing is magic as I know you will agree. Sometimes one can fish for many different thoughts in a message. So I have learned to pluck out one thought among several presented to focus my writing on. It's amazing how it can turn out to be a gem. :-)

    Hello Lei,

    There is learning even in inactivity or stillness. A 'placid lake' still holds awesome wonders to the open mind and watchful eyes. The trick is to observe, be aware, notice, and understand the things which transpire right before your eyes -- in everything around you. You are so blessed for wanting to learn much from life. :-) Because some simply let these pass them by.


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!