It’s as simple as that.
But still I see and hear people whining for the better times of yesteryears. And a few more so angry over the bitter lessons of the past. Like it was yesterday’s fault that today isn’t good. That’s a waste of time looking back trying to find fault there. If there is anyone or something that must be responsible for the hits or misses of life --- that could only be us. Whether bad times and bad things happen or whether life could be better or so we think, we still have some control over the situation. Maybe, just maybe we may not be able to change our situation but certainly we can control or change how we think look or handle it. It can only be as good or bad as we see or make it to be.
We must understand that the odd and crazy things which happen to us are not there to mess us up, although it appears to be that way. But that is only the appearance of things. The best part of that experience is at its core --- where the pearls of wisdom reside. You have to get to that. You have to scratch through the hurting and painful surface of the experience and dig deep down to the heart core where the good lessons dwell. Because in truth, heaven does not throw ‘garbage’ in our direction, rather it pours out blessings in bucketfuls. Although sometimes it may not be easy to see it; I know because I’ve been through that too. But trust me there’s always a blessing in there just for you. Yes there is because blessings often come wrapped in strange uncomfortable packages.
Tomorrows – what is it about tomorrows that you have to die for? It’s not even here yet; it’s off in the far farthest distance. And do you even know if you will get to it if at all? Why measure your life by the yardstick of tomorrows. There’s no assurance there. It’s a void, an empty space, a big unknown, a I’m-not-sure-what’s-going-to-happen place. You’re so fixated on the idea that tomorrow is all that matters. So you gear yourself up to do everything in your power and resources to get that tomorrow you want and in the process sacrifice family, relationships, personal fun and laughter, health, courtesies and sensibility, even God – these things without which can unquestionably make you less and less of a person and human being.
Come to the present.
Come to your TODAY. This is where good things begin – where you can build your dreams and miracles – where life is happening in all its beauty wonder and awe – where even in its sorrows a hidden gem can lie within – where you can enjoy being a husband, wife, son, daughter, brother, sister, friend, et al – where you can enjoy the world better as it moves along with time – where you can appreciate your presence and contribution to the rest of humankind – and where you can be blessed a thousandfold. This is where you learn and discover who you are and what you can do.
Here is where…
-you can work to vanish the shadows and fears of uncertain tomorrows.
-you can build sturdy bridges to your tomorrows transforming it into one you desire.
-you can begin building your dream.
-you can put in your best work – your best self.
-you can truly live courageously
-you can create your miracles
Here is where you will know that what you do with your todays define your tomorrows. This is where you belong.
“Now is the accepted time, not tomorrow, not some more convenient season. It is today that our best work can be done and not some future day or future year. It is today that we fit ourselves for the greater usefulness of tomorrow. Today is the seed time, now are the hours of work, and tomorrow comes the harvest and the playtime." -- W.E.B. Du Bois