Friday, September 24, 2010


Ultimately, answers to prayers are what God thinks is good for you. But there's a big question there: Will you like what God is going to give you? -- There's a huge pull from opposite sides to that question. From the optimists and the pessimists. We all struggle with that. Don't we sometimes wish that God were simple to understand? Don't we sometimes wish too that we had no hearts to feel and no minds to think? But that isn't so. Because God meant our lives to be a journey of faith - in mind, heart, in deeds. And FAITH will always be the story of our lives. Because no matter how you look at it, faith is behind everything that is about courage, strength, hope, trust, believing, and true living.

There is so much happening in the world that tries to shake us from our faith. Things which wrest us from the truth of our existence. That we are meant for greatness, hope, joy, peace, goodwill, health, success, abundance. But all these good things and more rest on the foundation of faith. Faith in a God who is greater than all of life, creation, of all the land and time. And that same God is the same one who loves us beyond measure. Is that hard to believe -- the Divine One loving us mere tiny mortals who are so flawed selfish and foolish?
But He does! That's the awesome truth about it. And out of that love we are saved - protected - healed - guided - provided for. He cares for us so much that He won't even allow anyone or anything to hurt or harm us... even from or by our own hands and small silly minds. Oh yes how we can do things to hurt ourselves.

I know for certain God answers prayers. But He answers them His way, in His time, in His divine wisdom. You can be sure though that it will all be for our good individually or collectively. That then is what and why we should contemplatively exhaust our energies and thoughts in trying to understand Him. By whatever name He is called by different cultures, race, color, or creed... He is the same God of love. And how He loves all peoples of the world! He does!

There is so much more to be said but I shall not venture out further than my thoughts now. Will leave the rest to those who speak better on the subject.

God bless, everyone.
Just some thoughts on an overcast morning such as this... but thoughts which leave behind a nice warm feel-good feeling :-) Ah I don't think I will be getting much reader views on this post Lols! -- might be considered 'preachy'. But no matter. The picture was forward to me by a good friend and its power immediately sat my thoughts in motion lols! Do tell, do you have a memorable God-experience in your life? Has it changed anything i.e. perception, understanding, insight, etc.?


  1. Oh, I so agree with you. I believe that God is with us every moment of our lives. How else can you explain, that you get home safe to your family each day, that you have a job, food, clothing and shelter, when so many don't...

    Whenever I've felt the need for something, He has provided. What else can you ask for?

    Everything in our lives happen for a purpose and we have to just learn to enjoy what we've got and thank Him for that!

  2. I was reading about God and prayer after reading your post.I found this passage in the net that is very relevant to the subject on tapis.
    "God answers prayer! The beauty of God answering prayer is just that; He answers us! God, in His ultimate and unfailing love desires nothing less than our absolute best. Sometimes, what we think is best is definitely not beneficial for us. Often, we aren't able to see that until time passes and we can look back and see how the situation played out. God knew what was best for us all along!

    If a father takes his daughter into a candy store and tells her she can have anything she wants, the little girl would walk wide-eyed into the store eyeing all the sweet treats. The father, knowing his daughter is allergic to chocolate, wouldn't offer her a chocolate bar even if she asked for it. Does the father not care about his daughter's desire? No, the father is bearing the responsibility of parenting and doing what is best for the child.

    In this same way, God always answers our prayers with our best interest at heart. God stands to gain nothing from us, but we stand to gain everything from Him!

    So, next time you fail to get the answer you want or the next time you feel like God is simply being quiet, set your concerns aside and trust Him. With time, you'll see His protection and divine hand in your situation"

  3. Beautifully said, RGB! :-) Glad that you could drop by today. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend. God bless you!

  4. You took the words right out of my mouth, KP -- ".....In this same way, God always answers our prayers with our best interest at heart. God stands to gain nothing from us, but we stand to gain everything from Him!

    So, next time you fail to get the answer you want or the next time you feel like God is simply being quiet, set your concerns aside and trust Him. With time, you'll see His protection and divine hand in your situation"

    Am glad that you found this on the internet. It will serve as encouragement and inspiration to many. Thank you for sharing. :-)

    Blessings to you and your family.

  5. My Mother often tells me , ask God to give you something that you truely deserve and would make you happy, coz you never know what you want might not be the best thing for you....if certain prayers arent answered, theyre converted into better things in life..thanks a lot for sharing this thought Ellen , its important and beautiful!

  6. This is beautiful, Sana --- "...if certain prayers aren't answered, they're converted into better things in life...". Your presence here always delights and warms my heart so. Hope you're having a lovely and pleasant weekend. Be blessed and stay blessed.


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!