Tuesday, December 28, 2010


---That humble, gentle Saint of the Catholic Church, Cure of Ars, rightly said:

" Humility is to the virtues what the chain is to the rosary. Remove the chain, and all the beads escape. Take away humility, and all the virtues disappear." ---

Man is made to think that he is invincible. Truth is, it's not all about you. If you know who you are in the eyes of God --- that's what truly matters. And that's all you need to know.


  1. A wonderful thought. Hope your Xmas went well. And here's wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year!

  2. Delighted to see you, RGB! Wishing you buckets full of blessings for the upcoming new year ahead. May God bless you and your family with plenty more! :-) Happy New Year!


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to ellen622@gmail.com. Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!