Saturday, September 8, 2012


"The greatest weapon over stress
 is our ability to choose one thought over another."  
--- William James

When I saw this in my email this morning, the first thought that came into mind was........  So that's why we're all so stressed. It's not because our stresses are bigger or stronger than us, but more so because our abilities to cope are smaller than small and weaker than weak or sometimes non-existent.. thus we can't even make the right choices of good thoughts over bad thoughts. Stress is a bad thought, positivity is a good thought anytime. Even though we know that, we still struggle in choosing the right thought for us or adapt the right mental approach to the stressed situation. So then where have our abilities to choose one good thought over a bad thought (or another) gone to??!  That's for us to figure that one out, don't you think?

Hope everybody's having a wonderful weekend. 
Choose HAPPY!
Blessings, everyone.


  1. Ellen,

    Rightly said. It is not that we can not cope with it but it is fear which makes us lose our focus to choose right thought.

    Take care

    1. I have been saying every so often that your visit is a delight to me and it is! Your taking the time off writing in your blog or off your busy day to visit here is truly appreciated and most welcome. Thank you once again. And blessings to you and your loved ones.

  2. Thanks for sharing this Ellen. It is indeed true that stress is largely a result of negative thoughts. We should train ourselves to think more positively. I think having a supportive family, some good friends and faith in God all help.

    Best wishes,

    1. Hi JI! It is truly wonderful to exchange insights and observations with you. Delighted by your visit and comment. Thank you so much. I hope your day is coming along fine. Blessings to you and your family.


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