Friday, November 2, 2012


Mr. Quote Man sent me this with a note that I would like it very much. He was right! I'm bringing it here to my blog page to serve as a post-it in times I might forget. Although some of you may have seen this before (I have)  but view it again and remember.

So many things have been written about the beauty of our world. Truly so awesome in its magnificence. But sometimes we are nudged to bigger awareness through the taken for granted things or people in our day to day life. And of how WORDS can change it. Here's a video to tell you what I mean........


  1. Ellen,

    It is an absolute truth.

    Take carre

    1. I so agree, Jack. Heyy I hope your day is coming along fine. Wishing you the best of the day and for the weekend up ahead. God bless you and your family.

  2. Yes, a lot of people liked the video which I first posted in fb. Most of us take for granted the power of words in our daily lives. I was hoping that in some little way or so this video might somehow change it. Imagine how this power could bless lives.

    Take care and God bless you.


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!