Thursday, April 24, 2014


So what's on my mind today?  D-U-S-T and N-O-I-S-E and the HOT WEATHER.

Dust is up in the air, down on the floor, to the left and to the right, all around! And the noise created by the tools --  it is getting on my nerves.. my brain cells are rattling like hell  as never before. Plus the hot weather at 35degrees is no joke either... Aaaarrrgghh! And then when the work day comes to an end.......  there's the cleaning up that follows. You're correct, the day begins early and ends up late.

If you can avoid it, though I think not really, don't do a room or house repair with you in there in the midst of it all.  Na-ah! not pleasant and that is yet an understatement. But still there can be pockets of fun and joy in there if you just try looking hard enough. Try harder, I should say, cos all that inconvenience and discomfort can and will steal away your sanity.


  1. The dust and the noise can be extremely bothersome but at the end, when they stop, there will be a new creation to admire or the restoration of an old :-) Cheers to that!

    1. Indeed, dear friend Divya. That certainly is a wonderful way to look at it. Wonderfully positive just like you would if you were in my shoes. Cheers to that! :-D

  2. Liked your humorous take on what is inevitable once a while.But summer can be horrible and not the right time to do repair work.

    1. The dry season is always the best time to do it. When the wet season sets in nothing can ever be achieved no matter the best intent.

      Thanks for dropping by, KP. Hope you're having a lovely day!


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