Thursday, July 3, 2014


Have read this quote and it nudged me to thinking ........

 "We do not see things as they are.  
We see them as we are."   
---  The Talmud
Info: The Talmud (Hebrew for “study”) is one of the central works of the Jewish people.

Let's if that is true.....

We read the newspaper and see the world and the bigger life lived out there. We read about killings, kidnappings, abuses, cheaters, conflicts and wars, etc. and too on the other side of the spectrum the do-gooders. We react to whatever catches our eyes, mind, and heart. In total, from what we have experienced in our lives are formed or shaped our personal insights, perceptions, beliefs, feelings, emotions, the presence or absence of understanding and compassion, or the strength or lack of religion. These naturally influence or dictate how we see the events of the world... or of the parade of people before us... or on matters of heaven and hell... or of life in general.  We operate off this foundation and which defines our reactions or responses to that external world of which we see.

You may be pissed off at the world's chaotic and messy events.... because you believe in order.  As I myself would see the world coming to an awakening which could bring it to hope for a better world... because I believe in hope.  We separately and collectively in our respective reactions and responses see the world as WE ARE. A person of order and a person of hope.

These define our responses to and towards our external world.
I think I have learned something here.
:-) Have a good day, folks!  Blessings await you.


  1. True our vision is circumscribed by our limited experiences

    1. Hi KP! How's your day? And I hope that you are feeling much better. Do please take care.

      Thank you for dropping by and sharing on the subject, too. Blessings!

  2. So true, Ellen :-)
    I remember this one time when I was really angry with a friend of mine for turning up late - he claimed to have a valid reason but I did not believe him...As I complained about this incident to my mother, she very wisely asked, "Do you not believe him because you always make up excuses each time you are late?" - it was then that I realized how I see the world on he basis of my own actions....I am glad I got a chance to read this :-) Now it has set me thinking!!

    1. It's funny how our moms are alike. :-) We are so blessed to have them.

      Always take care, Divya. And thank you for taking time to come by and for your sharing of insights. Delighted!!

      Blessings to you and your family.

  3. Hi Ellen,

    It feels great to be hear after a long time! Hope everything is going good with your and your kids.

    Yes, we do see things as we are. We sit back believing that we are correct, that's where most of the problems start. Introspection and gathering different perceptions might solve this problem to certain extent!

    Thanks for the post,

    1. So delighted to see you here again, Prams! :-) Delighted! Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the post. Hope to see you again. Wishing you tons of blessings.


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!