Sunday, May 27, 2018


I always meant to write every week. But it did not happen. Although the willingness to write is there and the words come piling up into my head. But 'have to admit that it won't come out and be written. So then, what was holding it back, you may want to ask.😊

Simple. Times when all you want to do doesn't happen because something else other than what you planned to takes dominion over it. And that something else isn't even of mind-boggling importance. Weird but it's there. It could take you through a day or two.. or even a week or weeks. But you stay there in that moment and just simply... be.

Mom once said to me --- "You get such days when things are not what you want them to be. But there they are staring you in the face. It's not because you did something wrong or you need to do things right. It's more like an intermission or a break or similar to a director telling his crew to 'take five'." 

Well, she further added --- "..don't fight it. Don't even try to be brilliant and devise ways and means to get over it. It might give you the feeling or impression that life is standing still. Strangely. It seems like it yes.... and yet for a reason."

"What reason?" I asked. 

"You'll find out soon enough." she smiled knowingly.

Mom was right. To cut a long story short, I got more from my break than what I could have gathered with my brain working on double-time. And I saw a lot more things to be thankful for.

It works different from person to person. Depending on how you perceive life to be. But it certainly benefits the mind, body, and soul. 

Take five, people. Rest. Embrace it. Thank God for it😊

God bless you.

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