Sunday, August 3, 2014


My good friend sent this quote to my inbox as he usually does almost everyday. So I've created a folder just for him; every quote he sends is deposited there. Then when the writing muses push me to write I go visit the folder and see what would ring the writing bell in my head. Occasionally the folder would undergo a sorting process: weeding out those which I think would be off my radar. Meaning if it does not bang that writing bell in my head then it's a no-go. Because I believe there is no better rule of thumb in writing than this ----- Write from the heart! Or with your heart! In short, when the heart does not feel it --- don't write it.

So this is what my friend sent me this morning........

"Some of us are like wheelbarrows  -  only useful when pushed, and very easily upset." ---- Jack Herbert
Wheelbarrow  - a small cart with a single wheel at the front and two supporting legs and two handles at the rear, used typically for carrying loads in building-work or gardening.

It does not run on its own; somebody has to push it. Can you imagine wheelbarrow lives? Well, sometimes one does need a push to get on with doing something but that's a different kind of push. In the absence of the sterling qualities of resourcefulness or initiative, it can be said that no amount of wishing will get them there .... wherever or whatever it is they want to be or achieve.

Is there hope for wheelbarrow lives? Probably if they attach an engine or a motor to their wheelbarrow. Seriously, when one recognizes where he is at - when he comes to a slump in his life - and admits its harsh reality and then revamps his way of thinking... that now will inject that much desired push to move forward.....but this time he does it to himself. As a friend defined it .... 'it's an internal job'. Meaning nobody can do that for him; he alone  should work on his own transformation. It may be slow work but truly rewarding in the end. (Thanks, Mr. Quote Man, for the quote.)

Still on the subject of wheelbarrows but on a different thought. Remember the book I was reading last week? Here's a lovely line from page 23.................

"Think bigger thoughts; paint grander dreams.You can go to a gold mine with a tiny wheelbarrow or a huge one,  and you will come away with as much gold as your container will hold."  --- Mr. Everit, a character in the book 'What I Learned From The Richest Man In The World' by Alan Cohen.

Bigger thoughts, bigger dreams, bigger wheelbarrow.
Makes great sense, right?
That works too with blessings.
I've got a wheelbarrow this B-I-G!!!
Get yourself one, too... if not BIGGER!!!
Have a great weekend!  :-)

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