Wednesday, August 13, 2014


On the subject of abundance, people are used to talking about it in the material sense. The having of things, possessions, money at ready disposal and caprice or whim. It's flaunted... advertised... celebrated... gossiped about... or in some instances criticized for its source or manner of use. But regardless those too are blessings.

This morning after a breakfast of fruit and oatmeal I picked up a book which I haven't read for a long time, cruised through its pages not really intending to read it and stopped on the page which had this quote...........

"Not what we have but what we enjoy 
constitutes our abundance". 
--- John Petit-Senn

What are the things you truly enjoy in life? Let's not talk of money. Let's bring it to a higher plane of understanding this time.

While you ponder on the question, I shall take the liberty to list down a few things I enjoy most. Maybe you can find some of yours too on the list.

----- Books. I have boxes full of books in storage waiting for the library I had been planning for it. Some of them might get to the donation box perhaps but most will stay for a long long time yet. There are such books which you just can't part with, which you enjoy reading again and again. Timeless.

----- EasyStitchMax sewing machine. It's perfect for sewing together a purse, shopping bag, or tote bag out of old pairs of jeans. Creative juices burst out of the flood gates of creativity which could even surprise yourself as you bury yourself in it. It's always a fun and enjoyable activity.

----- Peace and quiet. Usually in the early dawn of sunrise. This is when the world seems to stand still.... before life awakens to the usual hustle-and-bustle of life and living.

----- Serenity. Just being there in the moment... calm, untroubled. Sometimes I get this just sitting there with my dogs... together we look out to the street outside or look up to the skies of blue I so love.

----- Mother Nature. Trees swaying in the breeze, waves splashing on the shore, mountains high and mighty, meadows of green and gold... every magnificent thing in our physical world. I run to her to be healed in my soul.

----- Gratitude. Oh but so much to appreciate and be thankful for! Tangible and intangible. The list can be very long and more gets added to it day by day. Always there will be something to be thankful for.

----- Blessings. They come in all sizes, shapes, reason, unexpected, timely, and many other wonderful things which point to one Magnificent GOD. He who showers on us his favor, love, and protection unconditionally. My cup runneth over with joy!

Have a great day, folks! Thank you for your friendship. God bless you with all good things more than your kind hearts can hold.


  1. Family & friends, work, our everyday food, books, people around us, nature....and the list can go on....truly thankful for the Lord's abundant blessings!

    1. Oh yes, those on your list are wonderful things to be thankful for. Hey it's nice to see you. Great that you could drop by. Have a great day, RGB! :-)


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