Tuesday, August 25, 2015


"You will recognize your own path when you come upon it, because you will suddenly have all the energy and imagination you will ever need." -- Jerry Gillies
I remember young hopefuls I’ve interviewed for a job before. As I listened they tell me of their frustrations..... that they have so many plans, so many dreams, and yet never seem to know which one is the right one for them. Confused and bewildered they keep on hammering at a wide range of choices believing that the right one will eventually surface and that somehow things will break and they will hit gold. Well, maybe and maybe not. I’m not convinced with that method.
It’s not always smart to spread yourself thin over a wide range of prospects.... quite unthinkingly. 'Suntok sa buwan' as a local phrase calls it. Besides that will wear you out faster than you can ever recharge yourself after. Pretty soon you will find yourself simply dragging your feet from one place to another with nothing much achieved. That’s a candidate for frustration and disappointment and a waste of precious time and talent – one which you can’t afford to lose.
On the other hand, I have seen others take on a well-thought out and planned approach. They start out with a well-defined and definite sense of self and purpose..... equipped themselves with the proper education and training..... studied their prospects..... sorted out those which they believed will be a sure fit. They don’t bother with anything which would not fill the criteria they have set down. In such a way they succeed to narrow down the choices to the best of the crop. (This is what employers do, too) Once this has been decided, then and only then do they gear up for the pursuit and journey. Armed with a clearer vision of who they are.... what they have and.... what they hope to achieve thus the chase becomes more productive.
Amazingly, the required enthusiasm energy and imagination needed to see it through did spring out or burst forth in unexplained measure. Sometimes even surprising one's self. And further down the journey the same enthusiasm energy and imagination would gain even greater momentum as the goal becomes closer and closer to one’s view and reach. This serves to affirm and confirm that you are indeed on the right track.
Think. Plan. Hope. Believe. Execute.
"Start believing now that we can be who we are." --- (Anon.)
God bless you and your dreams.

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