Wednesday, August 23, 2017


An email greeted me with another quote this morning from Mr. Quote Man (Thank you!). Oh just to mention, Mr. Quote Man is a long-time friend in the blog. He is one of two wonderful people in my blog life and beyond. One is Raj Kishore Baruah who got me started on it (in 2004). And the other is Mr. Quote Man (who shies away from being named) who keeps me writing in there. Both are from India. So you see, friendship knows no race, color, culture, nor creed. It goes beyond borders. Breaks down wall divides. Smashes gender issues. Breaks through the barriers of time and space. A precious connection imbued with the treasures of true friendship, selfless and giving. God's precious gift. I count myself truly blessed by them. Happily there are many more like them. All are blessings.

Now back to the quote..... 😊

"The ego is a veil between humans and God." ---- Rumi

Rumi, is one of the most influential Persian poets of the 13th century. The poetry of Rumi has been compared to the book of Psalms and to the Song of Solomon. He writes as the lover of God, attempting to reconcile how distance has come between himself and God. His poems can be read merely as love poems, but they must also be considered as symbolic of the relationship of man to the divine. (thanks to

Ego --- 1) The “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought. 2) egotism; conceit; self-importance: 3) self-esteem or self-image; feelings: (thanks to

 Veil --- 1) something that covers, separates, screens, or conceals  2) a mask, disguise, or pretense:

That certainly tells us that the I-ME-MY-MINE of things and self has no place in a god-relationship.

It is everybody's experience, I would bravely presume, that at the lowest ebb of our hurt, misery, pain, grief, disappointment, heartbreak, trials, need....... when our beauty or brilliance or education or titles or influence or wealth fail to gain us the relief we so desire..... when we stand bare, empty, puny (insignificant), helpless, a nothing ----- It is in that precise moment that the Divine connection happens!  When we are wounded in our brokenness --- we find God. 

I think that God does not care for the accoutrements or embellishments of the person but looks to the heart where authentic truth resides. That true .....or false? 😇


  1. Such a good reminder to keep the ego in check. Thank you!

    1. Yes indeed. You know what, I run back to that verse everytime life becomes so harsh and mean. Have a great day, Raaji. God bless you!

  2. It is at the lowest ebb of life,as you have correctly put,when there are no devices for one to fall back,he or she turns to God in total surrender and faith.The ego is totally gone and the veil falls off and God is there ready to give succor.

    1. Indeed so true, my friend KP. Hey thanks for dropping by and for your comment. All appreciated. Have a blessed day!


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