Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Nobody can give you patience. You give that to yourself. Nothing can make you patient. You train yourself to be one. Many things will go wrong in your day or your life. That's a fact. Nothing will and can assure you of a hundred percent outcome according to your expectations, requirement, or plan. Things can and will go wrong at some point or another, like it or not. That includes people. You can't heap on them your expectations, goals, or dreams and expect them to run it through with precision and exacting detail. Well, maybe in some but then that does not always happen; it won't happen. Always something somewhere would go crazy. Different folks; different strokes.

Life and people are both unpredictable and ever changing. If you tend to be steady, unbending, and resolute in your dealings with everything and anyone crossing your path, expect to be disappointed because your expectations will be dashed to the ground eventually. Not because they failed you but because you have failed yourself. Impatience rises from your utter frustration of not getting what you want or of seeing that you are losing your desired control of situations or people.

Because that's the way the cookie crumbles. Your cookie.

Unless you understand and learn that you need to develop patience. The kind that is nurtured by self and shaped by a broad understanding of how things work with life and living. The kind that allows you to think the matter through and not allow emotions to lead you. The kind that can afford to give generously to seeking the greater good thus making allowance for imperfections and human flaws. The kind that does not insist on self-satisfaction first and last. The kind that believes and trusts in the power of God to work things out for good.

Patience is what you do to yourself when things around you don't go the way you want it to. Patience is knowing in your heart that there is a bigger Power at work and this power makes things right for you and everyone.... sooner or later. Just believe.

God is very patient with us -- how can we be anything less than that??


  1. Hmmm...."Life and people are both unpredictable and ever changing".Patience is knowing in your heart that there is a bigger Power at work and this power makes things right for you and everyone.... sooner or later. Just believe"...Hmmm....how inspiring!!

  2. Hi Awoken Soul! Delighted to see you. Have left message in your blog. By the way, liked the poem you've posted. :-) Hope you have a great week. Blessings to you and your loved ones.

  3. "God is very patient with us -- how can we be anything less than that??"How nicely put by you.Though desirable,this virtue doesn't come by easily unless one has total faith in God.

  4. It is good to see you, KP. I agree that patience isn't easy. Rather it is something that we work at day after day. Just as faith is honed through our daily challenges in life. One must not wait until he has acquired the total faith which you speak of. Instead one must work at achieving both hand in hand every minute every day. One is nothing without the other. They come together like coffee and cream.

    Have a blessed day and week. Thanks for this lovely visit.

  5. Through your posts, i find you so much by myside, Dear Ellen! Keep going, i m there to always go through your posts which bring out the nitty gritty's of life as well as individuals. Such Powerful words.

  6. Hi Pearl,

    If there's anyone I love as companion in this our life journey... that would be you, dear friend. Your mind is like a flowing stream which carries with it what it thinks is beautiful and leaves behind what it thinks isn't needed for the long journey to the sea. You are open to learning and your gentle heart welcomes enlightenment with grace.

    Blessings to you and your family.

  7. Ellen,

    One should never be rigid. Flexibility is a must if one needs to have peace in life but however not at the cost of conscience. Life and people are unpredictable as you said and one needs to have patience to adapt to the changing situations. This is not gifted by someone but one needs to develop and nurture it at own self as you rightly brought out.

    Take care

  8. I like this, Jack --- "One should never be rigid. Flexibility is a must if one needs to have peace in life but however not at the cost of conscience." I appreciate your sharing your insights on the subject. So much to learn from you. Thanks.


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to ellen622@gmail.com. Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!