Thursday, July 2, 2020


🥰Gorgeous, isn't it!? Youngest daughter surprised me with that beauty this morning. Nope, no occasion. Actually .. I know my girls; they need no occasion to do things like that. You know what else, the house reverberates with the words "I love you!" ..any time of day or night! My youngest daughter makes sure of that. 💕

Here's the message I want to throw out there to the world:

 Don't wait for a better..appropriate..proper.. moment, occasion, or time to say "I love you" to the people who matter in your life. Say it... let them hear it... show it. Now.. not later, not tomorrow, not on a birthday, not on Christmas or Valentine's Day, not only when you're inclined to or in the mood for it. 💕

Do it now.. because sometimes life plays its silly tricks on us and takes away the very or only chance we may get to do it. Then.... it becomes too late. 💕

God bless you and your loved ones. 🌷💕🌷💕🌷

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