Friday, November 7, 2014


A friend shared this on his Fb timeline. I like it. Truth is, I like every post shared on his page. If it isn't about lovely pictures of the Pakistan landscape or some other place he so beautifully highlights, it would be words of wisdom such as this shown above. Wisdom which admittedly we often overlook, ignore, or scuff at because we think we know better. Do we really know better?

One other reason that I do fb is because it allows me tons of opportunities to learn. Particularly from people. People make for an interesting study. Myself included, if I were to learn seriously. Studying people gives you a glimpse of what life is all about. Life is all about people. It's actually people creating life, not life creating people.

People make up a huge kaleidoscope of color, emotions with its good and bad, vibrations, diversity, energy and the lack of it, opinions, insights, impressions, contradictions, biases and prejudices, preferences, choices and decisions, moods with its highs and lows, and certainly not the least experiences of both right and wrong.

Looking at everything one can easily say 'flawed'. Yes we all are flawed. Perhaps the reason why God left it at that is because He wants us to grow some more. This He shows us how to do by utilizing not only our brains and hearts but also our body parts. The bottom line is we are tasked to love one another and help create a better world.

And to do that we start with the self. That, my friends, is by God's design.

My God pour out His grace, light, peace, and love into your lives, families, and homes.


  1. Beautifully said. That's probably one of the reasons why I like facebook :-)

    1. Great to see you :-) That makes two of us then. Thank you for your wonderful comment. By the way, I loved your recent post about a simple day and life. That was nice.

  2. 'Starting with self' is God's design is the operative part of the post.Very nicely said.

    1. You got that down pat. Thanks, KP, for the lovely visit and comment.

  3. Hello Ellen, inspiring post and very useful. best wishes

    1. It is good to see you again, Joseph :-) This is such a pleasant and welcome surprise. I went to your blog just awhile ago and saw the lovely pictures you took of the sun over different locations. So interesting.

      Thank you for your lovely visit and comment. Do come again.
      God bless you.


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!