Saturday, April 11, 2015


Was in a chat with an old friend of many years. We talked about the old days, some good - some bad, and how time got us through the best and the worst of times. She loved people, a people kind of person so to speak. But I won't forget what she once said.......
"You live with people who don't do something. Then you start thinking you can't do anything."
Those lines seemed familiar to me from something I have read long ago. I was both amused and delighted though that she was able to get hold of it too and made it her own. That is what learning is all about. One day you come across a piece of wisdom or some enlightenment or some life changing experience which in such a big way impacts your life .... it's a learning moment. This now becomes yours. And when you quote it or mention it to somebody else you then set it free to move on to another student or learner that his or her life be enriched too as it did yours. And it also becomes his or hers until it is time to pass it on to someone else. It's nobody's monopoly; knowledge and wisdom must travel if the world is to become a better place and for its people to grow.
Learning is both a giving and a taking.
You give of your mind and heart to learning something. Knowledge and wisdom is what you receive in return.
My friend learned an important lesson in life...... that there are two kinds of people in the world:   those who do something..... and those who do nothing. But I will add a third to that:   those who simply sit on the fence and watch.
Now what we become as persons is defined by the choices we make.
Wishing you all a lovely and blessedly productive day. In Christ.


  1. "knowledge and wisdom must travel if the world is to become a better place and for its people to grow.".How true and wise,this statement is.
    I could not but smile when I saw the cartoon on fence sitting.

    1. Yeah, me too when I first saw the cartoon -- I said to myself .. 'This is perfect!' :-) Thanks for your lovely visit and comment. Blessings to you and your family.

  2. Hello Rahmi :-)

    Welcome to the blog! I had your comment translated on the web... and it says in English --- "I'm from indonesia. Salam kenal yah.. good luck".

    Thank you very much for dropping by. I wish you the best of luck, too. I tried to message you on your Google page but I couldn't find the button to help me with it. Anyway, I hope that you will be able to read this again.

    Have a great day. :-)

    In Indonesian..... Terima kasih untuk mampir. Saya berharap Anda yang terbaik dari keberuntungan, juga. Aku mencoba untuk pesan Anda pada halaman Google Anda tapi aku tidak bisa menemukan tombol untuk membantu saya dengan itu. Anyway, saya berharap bahwa Anda akan mampu membaca ini lagi. Memiliki hari yang besar. :-)


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!