Wednesday, September 9, 2020



-- My mom held expectations for me in her heart. Perhaps the same way her mom had hers for her daughter in their time. Mom, though poor, persevered and graduated, but I didn't know if teaching was her dream job, and she married before 30. 🌷 

 I think I've missed a few things in her list. Life had other plans for me and laid down challenges on the table which were stoically meant for me to hurdle. Not always easy; I had my share of hurt and pain but something was undoubtedly happening. I sensed my life moving... evolving. I can understand it now as I look back to it all. 🌷 

Yes, I better understand it now that a mother's expectations though with good intent and love isn't the only formula to life and living. 🌷

Because life is not all about what others may think is best for you. Rather it should be lived according to you in your own lived circumstances... in your own allotted time and space and moments... in your best of who you are and what you are, by God's design. God, by the way, always knows best.🌷

Happy in the heart. I hope wiser too. It's still an imperfect life --- but, Mom, it's a good one.💕🌷🤗

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