Wednesday, September 23, 2020



Up early this morning. Lo and behold .....morning dew on the plants at my patio! Isn't that simply gorgeous!? Do we remember the last time we saw something like this up close... or paid any attention ?? If at all?😍 

 Come to think of it, there are so many things in life we take for granted... like we do the pieces of furniture in our homes. Oh yes ... things and ... humans too. Both the good and the bad. The good.. for our blessings. The bad.. for our learning. Both have a purpose for being. Open your mind and heart to the Divine spirit and intent. Though oft'times that can be quite hard... but try even harder. Life isn't .. without that connection.

 Our hearts are put there..... to love, to care, to treasure, to adore, and to give thanks and praise to One Magnificent Creator! For everything!! 

God bless you. Have a great day.😊☺️ .

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