Thursday, August 13, 2009


Don’t let your college persona determine who you will become. This is something I’d like to say to a friend’s son who can’t find a job – yet. He took up engineering and he feels that everything seems to be blocking him from becoming one. Now that's being shortsighted. Gosh, it's not rare to see engineers work themselves up to the position of Vice President of the Sales Department... or become a very successful media man.

Let me quote this from something I read just recently ------–

To quote --- “ …
Unless you really loved who you were in college. It doesn’t matter if you were the nerd, the dumb jock, the bully or the wallflower. College is over and your new life is beginning. Now is the time for reinvention if you deem it necessary. Think Madonna—but maybe not her cone bra phase. If you were the wallflower, break out of your shell. If you were the bully, try to be nicer. The world is waiting -- try to be the best person you can be. Make good decisions. Remember, the decisions you make after college have real-life consequences.

Now don’t get me wrong, I didn’t mean that you waste your education away. What I’m saying is --- you can’t let it determine you or your future. There is so much more that you can do, not just being what you studied for. That’s a mind set that's limiting you.

Further quote --– “
The school you graduated from does not determine the quality of your future.There are still small-minded companies that only accept applicants from the supposed top universities but don’t let that stop you. Just because you came from one of the more popular schools doesn’t mean you can rest easy. And it doesn’t matter either if you came from a school that no one else has heard about. It is you, and not your diploma, that will make your future.” --- Unquote.

There you go. I rest my case. :-)


  1. Hii Ellen,

    Reinventing one's ownself is necessarily required to be a better person time to time. Every phase of life has got its own important, yet no phase has got such a skill that it would effect the other phase dealy.

    Its up to us how we mould our life, utilising its different phases.

    I also suggest him to be confidant and look at the things in a positive perspective..he can definelty get a job, not a problem. But the emotions that he undergoes in this phase will definetly effect his future. so, i wish him to stay coll and controlled, and to be successful in his life..

    Thanks for bringing this ellen..:)

    Have a nice time..

    PS: Ellen, i have been missing ur views on my posts. Please let me knoe, if u have some time.

  2. Hi Elen,

    We have this educational-elitism in India, too - people graduating from good institutes get opportunities very easily.

    I wish your friend's son will get to start his career soon.

  3. You are correct, Pramoda. Your words will encourage him, definitely.

    Oh gee, I have been so deep in the writing these past few days. Will make up for the lack, my friend. See you in your blog. :-)

  4. Yes, unfortunately it is an old mind set among many. Unfair to deserving ones graduated from lesser known institutes. But that will change.... as many things change given the time and reason.

    Thank you for your encouragement. That will help him see the matter through. Bless you!

  5. hi Ellen,
    Today i have made up the loss. I could not go through your blog all this time. But, here i am back to the world of wisdom, and the post surely would give a lot of momentum for the seekers.


  6. Hi Pearl/Sunita,

    Oh this is wonderful seeing you again in the blog. It's been quite a long time. How're you? Everything okay I hope and the family enjoying wonderful blessings. Let's keep in touch, here or in Facebook too. That would be great. Thanks for dropping by and the lovely message. :-)


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!