Thursday, June 24, 2010


"Appearances are just what they are -- face value appearance. The real living happens in the essence." (Unquote)

I'd go for the person who when he opens his mouth makes sense. An elaborately clad individual will catch my interest in fashion, style, and trends maybe, but that's as far as it goes. Because in life and living, it's essence not form that matters where it should matter most.

We seem to have lost sight of this. The media and business isn't any help either because their goal is to make us want to copy, acquire, possess, and purchase. Not that am against that, has its uses. In fact, I surely would love a lappy myself to make the writing and blogging easier and convenient anywhere I go. Lols! One that fits into my tote bag, that is.

But surely it's not the end-all of our existence. If our happiness and enjoyment depends solely on acquisitions or the impression it generates, something must be askew with us somewhere. We should know ourselves better than that.

Honestly, it's who we are and not what we wear or possess which makes the bigger impression. Essence, not form. All other things fade with time --- except this. We are who we are till the end of our life journey. Make that count.


  1. What you have said makes abundant sense and hence we are with you and your blog.The itch to possess fades once you get the thing like the child losing the interest after it has played with its toy.It is not my case that we should not have useful things/gadgets but the craving to buy what all we see should be curbed.This craving is what the admen are stoking through the visual and printed media.

  2. Great post! I agree with you on this. Beautifully written.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Very true.. It's not how you look but who you are.

  5. Well said, KP. And why we should try unlearning some old habits Lols! And try to acquire good ones in its stead. :-) Thanks for your lovely visit. God bless.

  6. Great to see you again, Roxy. Thanks for dropping by and for liking the piece. God bless!

  7. Yeah, Aby, we both agree to that. By the way, left message for you on your blog. :-)

  8. Hope you're having a pleasant day, Sana! :-) Enjoy it!

  9. @We are who we are till the end of our life journey. Make that count.

    what a grt line to end such an inspiring anf thought provoking stuff.. I wonder how get these thoughts..But thats where the experiece counts..!!

    Thanks ellen.

  10. Hi Pram!

    Where've you been, have missed you! Great to see you now. :-) All's well at your end, I presume? Thanks for coming by and for your lovely message. Take care and God bless.


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!