Saturday, August 15, 2009


- A wrinkled old man bent down over a heap of dry leaves and other debris and lit it up in fire. That done he stepped back and watched the flames gobble up and destroy everything it laid its consuming fiery hands on. Fire is dangerous and yet fire has many good attributes to it too – cooks our food, warms our cold bodies, heats up our homes in winter, and other beneficial things in the name of development and progress.

I'm curious though, what about the fire in the souls of men and women? Is it a fire which consumes itself in its small narrow self-centered world? Or is it one which can scorch without thought or conscience anyone who draws near? Or does it pave destruction along its way with evil intent? What kind of fire do people nurture in their hearts?

One thing I do know…

'Tis better to raise the fire of good in your hearts. Fan the flames to better other people’s lives, warm them with your goodness where they are cold and neglected by the world. Let your fire burn fiercely in pursuit of better hopes and dreams not only for yourself but for others too. Take your fire to greater heights where your light can best shine through to others in service and compassion.

Let yourself be on fire for the right reason ---with peace and harmony, honesty and truth, hope and faith, brotherhood and fair play, mercy and gentle compassion for the underprivileged and deprived, determination and hard work. Shine brightly for others to see how blessed is the fire of good and how so much more blessed it is living a good life!


  1. Another good one..

    All...light ur heart...U know, one of my Teachers in intermediate used to say this repeatedly..he was such a nice inspiration to all of us .. on the last day of our college, we gifted him a 'light' article..:)

    Ellen, u r an awesome thought provoker..why dont u publish a book..?

    Give it a thought..
    Take care

  2. Hi Pramoda,

    That was such a wonderful thing you all did for him. Good teachers are rare.

    Publish a book! How interesting that you should suggest it. Several friends have said the same thing then and now. Thank you for your confidence in me. I am truly honored by your comment. If God so wills it, maybe someday it might just materialize.

    Thank you for dropping by today. The pleasure is all mine. God bless you and your family.


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!