Monday, October 26, 2009


I received a lovely picture in my inbox this morning from Parthasarathi, of a garden oozing with lovely blooms filling the ground like a magnificent floral carpet. I wanted it on a piece I was writing yet couldn't get it here unfortunately. So I searched for something similar and found this.

Imagine living in a place overlooking a garden such as this and to have the privilege of gazing out to its exquisite beauty for endless hours all day long.
Wouldn't that be simply wonderful? But flowers too have their seasons, don't they? All of God's creation has its own time for being and living. A time for happiness, sorrow, sadness, joy, anger, disappointment, love, live, die.

Everyone and everything has its season. Thus the wisdom of learning how to savor moments, the times of your life, and appreciate the blessings God so wisely showers upon every person anywhere in the world would make every thread of life and moments so precious -- such a treasure.

Treasure -- that's what we have right here in our hands. But it's not the kind which we oftenly stubbornly seek to further material gain, prestige, or fame. These things don't connect to our inner core. If I may use the language of my brother, 'it's superficial -- skin deep.' It will wear off or tire you down.

The real treasure I so speak of lies where we are centered in our hearts. Whenever we see or touch or feel or appreciate or live... beauty - truth - joy... and feel it engulf our whole being down to the very core of our existence, that is our treasure.

But as we may want it to last a lifetime, it won't and it can't. Because it has its natural flow of life -- just as we are born, live, and die -- it stays in its own time and season and then passes on.

But if we have listened well and paid attention, we can hold on to its memories and remember the moments long after it has gone. Everything has its season, that is true... but memories are timeless. Memories are for all seasons.


  1. In this ephemeral world nothing is permanent.Everything has a season and every season has its time.But memories stay longer amd may linger even a life time if we capture the good and pleasant things in our mind.
    A beautifully written post

  2. Hi Parth,

    It's nice to see your insights into this piece. Thank you for sharing your wisdom. And thank you for appreciating the post. :-) Take care. Blessings to you and your family.

  3. @ ellen,

    yup, the picture looks very colorful ... and just the thought of having an evening walk in the midst of those fragrant delicate beauties ... in the evening mist ... is so delicious and fragrant a thought !

    i agree, each season has its own charm ... the fact is "change" is the most beautiful thing one experiances in this nature ... and this "change" helps us to enjoy nature in bits and pieces, all round the year !

    truely majestic ... mother nature !

    cheers !

  4. Ellen,

    As you said earlier we should enjoy each moment as it comes. There is nothing which does not change, so we should be grateful fot what is there and cherrish fond memories later. Each moment will get replaced by another equally if not more pleasant. And we should try to spread happiness all around.

    Take care

  5. Oh I would love that too, Vamsi -- " evening walk in the midst of those fragrant delicate beauties ... in the evening mist ... is so delicious and fragrant a thought ! ..." Isn't that simply a gorgeous moment?! :-)

    Thanks for this lovely visit.
    See you around. God bless.

  6. Wonderful insight, Jack --
    "...Each moment will get replaced by another equally if not more pleasant. And we should try to spread happiness all around." Great to see you this fine morning. Blessings to you and your family.


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!