Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The cool wind soothing my senses, tired and weary

The skies a blanket of azure beauty spread out above me

I lounge in peace with a carpet of green at my feet

As the lilting song of birds lull me to heaven and sleep

I look forward to awaken in the new morn

Appreciating what I was and have become with the dawn



  1. Wow.Simple words and elegant style.Blanket of azure beauty,carpet of green,lilting songs lulling to heaven are beautiful phrases bringing out forcefully the beauty in nature

  2. Good morning, KP

    :-) Thank you so much for your kind and generous words. I'll take that as a compliment from you -- master of writing. Glad to see you here. I hope that the day started out well for you and will prevail for the rest of your week. God bless you and your family.

  3. Your blog has a very pleasant feel about it Ellen :) Keep it up, went thru many posts and loved all,devis pearls was like a stream of thoughts :)
    Have a great weekend:)

  4. Welcome, Sana!

    Delighted to see you here. :-) Thank you for your lovely message. Went to your blog too and loved your piece on Hope. Left message for you there.

    Hope you're having a pleasant week.
    Blessings to you and your family.

  5. Ellen,

    Read 6 posts now. Could not visit earlier as my PC had been playing truant. Eyes of Heart is true eye opener. One does need motivation to move forward and it is nice if you find someone doing it to you but still better is if you go ahead without cretches. Devi's story was inspirational. One needs to find pearls at unexpected places. Nice composition about tree.

    Take care

  6. can't find the right words to express how i am amazed with this simple yet very meaningful morning thoughts you shared.

    is this your work of art? very beautiful! nice way to spend time...:)

    good evening!

  7. Hi Ellen,

    Thank You soo much for presenting the beautiful pic.. is it handrawn?> i wonder..:) Very neatlyyy done and words were soo cool..:)

    :) With love

  8. Hi Jack,

    What lovely comment you've written here. Thank you and too for cruising down several blogs in one sitting. Oh my, you amaze me! :-) Thank you!

  9. Hi Amity,

    Thank you for appreciating the effort behind this piece. How nice to see you again. :-) Yes, I draw on my free time. This one's done with colored pencils. Am delighted you liked it. Thank you.

    Take care. May God bless you and your family.

  10. Hi Prams,

    Lovely to see you here! :-) How are you? Hope you're having a good weekend. Oh yes, it's drawn with colored pencils, a first. Because usually I use ordinary pencils, especially with fashion sketches. Thanks, Prams, for this lovely visit and for your message. God bless you and your loved ones!


:-) Here's where I warmly welcome you and where you leave your footprints behind with fond memories attached to it of wonderful chats and friendships. Thank you for your comments. Or send your comments to Will be seeing you in your blog too. God bless you!