Wednesday, July 20, 2011


"Excellence is...
caring more than others think is wise;
Risking more than others think is safe;
Dreaming more than others think is practical.
Expecting more than others think is possible."
--- Winston Churchill

More often we tend to shy away from -- caring more, risking more, dreaming more, and expecting more....... and would rather stay where it's considered simply -- wise, safe, practical, and possible.

So then maybe it's time to understand that it's the little extra put into something which makes it very special. It's going the extra mile.... believing a wee bit more than the fella next to you dreaming the same dreams.... creating masterpieces out of the mediocre... or doing ordinary things extraordinarily.

A good friend once told me that all these are easier said than done. Well, I told him that excellence also takes practice. You must challenge yourself everyday, pushing yourself farther forward each time towards that dream. You don't stop even if others have. And it is well to understand that even a small conscientious step will certainly create the big moves you aspire for and definitely take you there. It matters.

Excellence is what you do best with the best you can be. Everyday.

(With special thanks to a good friend who sent me the abovementioned quote.)


  1. The path of least resistance is a busy boulevard and used by most people with no ambition.It is only the less crowded road that calls for extra effort in everything,be it,caring,risking,dreaming or expecting that makes one's life meaningful.

  2. Thanks, KP, for sharing your thoughts. It's appreciated. Glad to see you drop by today. Blessings to you and your loved ones.

  3. @ Excellence is what you do best with the best you can be. Everyday.

    yes, well said.

    we shall push ourselves hard for the excellence in every step we do..

    wishes to ur family...

  4. Yeah, Pram, excellence is something we should aim for in our mundane lives. We were designed to create beauty in life and in the world around us... and in ourselves.

    Likewise, all the best to your family too.

  5. Ellen,

    So true. One who goes to a little extra length always wins.

    Take care

  6. I like that line, Jack... "One who goes to a little extra length always wins."

    Thanks, I will; you too take care.

  7. Winston Churchill is not the author Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking more than others think is safe, dreaming more than others think is practical, and expecting more than others think is possible." I am.

    Ronnie Max Oldham
    Austin, Texas

    1. Sorry, I know this reply is quite late but received no notification from blogger for this comment.

      Thank you for sharing the info. Blessings to you and your family.


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